- Kamis, 25 November 2010

Documentary photography: It's Not as Easy as I Think

Call me a newbie--yes, I am. Starting my photography as a hobby, then I realized that I've got to do more with it...I found that social problem is my interest. Getting close with the subject...talking with them....hearing their sigh about how unfair this system ruin their life...

So...for about 1 month and a half, I got this documentary assignment from my online documentary photography magazine, named Jendela Bidik. I saw this as a kickoff assignment, because before this, I was just a newbie who wondered to do documentary project. Although I've had 2 personal project, they were made without enough acknowledgement about documentary. Now, after having so many friends who have the same interests, learning from experts, exhausting in heavy discussion, meet many problems in searching of 'what documentary photography is', I must give proof that "yes, I can make it too!"

This social documentary photography assignment theme is about HERO. As the only female photographer in this 2nd editionof Jendela Bidik, I try to put attention to female world too. That hero doesn't always refer to someone who fight in a war. But she is close to us...who love us everyday, cook for you every morning. Yes, she is our mother.

Feel free to give your comments and appreciations to my photowork at the 2nd edition of Jendela Bidik, Indonesia's Documentary photography online magazine here.

Katrina dan Karin tertidur lelap, menunggu sang ibu pulang mengojek. Menjalani hari-hari tanpa libur atau tamasya bersama keluarga merupakan hal yang biasa bagi kedua putri kecil Harwati ini.

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